Search Results for: saga

Short and Sweet (or Sour): Time Travel, TV, and Monsters

Welcome to another exciting episode of Short and Sweet (or Sour). This week’s comics take us back and forth through time and explore how successful (or not successful, as the case may be) Dark Horse has been using classic creatures, like vampires and Frankenstein’s monster, in their books. We’re all over the place but don’t…

Roundtable: Race and Gender in Comics

The race and gender roundtable is here! Mixing it up were our resident writer Mai Pucik; Arturo Garcia, a writer for Racialicious; writer and comics publisher/editor Talisha Harrison; blogger and webcomic creator Jamie Kingston; and moderator Kelly Kanayama. In part one (of two), we talked about “diversity” characters in comics, the gendering of race, and…

Fall Reading

Fall is a good time for books that will destroy your everything. It’s not winter, when disaffection can stretch on into misery. Fall? There are pumpkins to carve, fallen leaves to jump into, and forget seasonal affective disorder–there’s still enough sun to keep you from the black pit of despair we call deep winter. I read a…

Review: Battle of the Atom #1 & All-New X-Men #16

Battle of the Atom #1 & All-New X-Men #16 Marvel Comics Brian Michael Bendis Frank Cho & Stuart Immonen In 1980’s “Days of Future Past,” Kate Pryde travels through time to change the events that lead to her dark, Sentinel-overrun dystopian future. The year of that dystopian future? 2013. Now that 2013 is actually here—and…

(late) Summer Reading

Summer reading lists usually come out in late spring, early summer. Just as you’re starting to dream of a cold drink on a hot afternoon (or consuming your body weight in liquid, while being submerged in liquid, as one does). This ain’t no ordinary summer reading list though, it’s specifically, a late summer reading list,…

State of Marvel Roundtable–Part One

Marvel romance, mental health, and motherhood. Megan Purdy Bendis is off Avengers! Marvel’s partnering with Disney-owned Hyperion to put out romance novels! Miles Morales is super popular! It’s a (brand new) day! Maybe. With Captain Marvel, Fearless Defenders, the all female X-Men, and the upcoming She-Hulk and Rogue romance novels, Marvel is putting its female…

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