Tag: Superhero

Featured image for CiC #1

REVIEW: Commanders in Crisis #1 Debuts an Exciting Twist on Familiar Heroics

Launching an independent superhero title is a gamble. The western comics market is oversaturated with superheroes and has been for decades. They have invaded every level of pop culture, dominating film and television. They have been portrayed hundreds and hundreds of different ways, making the undeniable success of Steve Orlando and Davide Tinto’s Commanders in…

Seattle, Superheroes, and Social Justice – Marvel: Universe of Superheroes at MoPOP

Marvel: Universe of Superheroes opened 21 April 2018 and runs through 6 January 2019 at the Museum of Popular Culture (MoPOP) in Seattle, Washington. This special exhibit takes visitors through the 80 year history of Marvel and their Superheroes, with materials assembled from collections and commissioned specifically for the exhibit. The journey into the Marvel…

Alters issue 1

Transgender Superheroics in Alters #1

Alters #1 Paul Jenkins (Writer), Leila Leiz (Artist), Tamra Bonvillain (Colors), Ryane Hill (Letters), Brian Stelfreeze (Cover Artist) Aftershock Comics September 7, 2016 In recent years, transgender people have become something of a recurring theme across fiction. Whether this is a fad or the beginning of something more substantial, trans people and the issues they face have been depicted with…

Squirrel Girl by Erica Henderson 2014

4 Comics to Give You Hope

I read a range of comics from a range of publishers and genres: horror, fantasy, sci-fi, slice of life, superhero… and ones in between. If I reviewed all of them, I would never have time for anything else. Besides, there are some comics that give me such warm fuzzies and feelgoods that reviewing them would just…

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