Master Post: Summer Movie Mini Carnival

We hosted a mini carnival on this summer’s embarrassment of geek movie riches. Claire and Jess gave us their take on the Summer of Geek, and we organized a roundtable investigation into the State of Geek Cinema, with Claire, Maddy (3 Chicks) and Skalja (Fuck Yeah Spider-Wife). Summer of Geek Movies, by Claire Napier. A…

Summer Movie Roundtable

Superheroes, Secret Agents and the Summer of the Geek at the Movies This was supposed to be the summer of the comic book blockbuster, and certainly Avengers, Dark Knight Rises and Amazing Spider-Man performed as expected. But those were just the tentpole flicks. I put together a list of geek-relevant films that came out this…

Batwoman: How Far The Mighty Fall

When DC first introduced readers to Kate Kane, the character and her story were met with universal praise. Not only was the story unique for featuring a gay female super heroine, but she was headlining one of DC’s oldest properties, Detective Comics, and shocking above all else? It was really good. The stunning artwork of…

Interview with Janelle Asselin

Getting There The former DC editor talks getting more women into comics: not just reading, but writing and editing them, too. Elisabeth Pfeiffer  By this point, Janelle Asselin should be a recognizeable name if you’re into comics at all. The former DC Comics editor, now a children’s magazine editor with Disney, took on the perceptions…

Master Post: Carol Appreciation

This is the master post for the Carol Danvers Appreciation special edition of the carnival. It’s basically Kelly Sue DeConnick’s fault. Captain Marvel Roundtable, feat. Megan Purdy, Megan Byrd, Liz Pfeiffer, Skalja, Cohen and Alisdair. A Love Letter, by Damalur. Carol, and the Stories of Other Women, by Garrideb. Ultimate Carol Danvers, by Valtyr. Review:…

Carol Appreciation: A Love Letter

This is the fourth in our series of Carol Appreciation posts. Also check out Megan Byrd’s review of Captain Marvel #1, Valtyr’s ode to Ultimate Carol, and Garrideb’s look at Carol and female friendship.  When I walked into my comics shop on Wednesday, the owner–goes by the name of Steve, rarely seen without his Captain…

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