Author: Christine Atchison

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Seeking: Copyeditor

Women do write about comics, guys. Seriously, a lot. Our beat is comics, creators, and geek culture from a feminist perspective. We are committed to intersectionality and internationality (our diverse staff hails from Canada, the UK, Switzerland, Brazil, and the United States). And while we’re an unabashedly feminist, unapologetically ladies-first operation, we have a healthy…

stock: Weird Tales of thestock: Weird Tales of the Future 01, digital comics museum, THE TIME HAS COME Future 01, digital comics museum

Seeking: Copyeditor

In case you didn’t know: Women do write about comics, guys. Seriously, a lot. Our beat is comics, creators, and geek culture from a feminist perspective. We are committed to intersectionality and internationality (our diverse staff hails from Canada, the UK, Switzerland, Brazil, and the United States). And while we’re an unabashedly feminist, unapologetically ladies-first…

Retro Review: Marvels

I’ve always loved Alex Ross. If ever I’m rich there’s a few things I’ll do: buy cool flats in London, Paris, New York, and Toronto, donate large sums of money to worthwhile causes and churches, attempt to visit fifty-two countries in a year, and buy a tonne of Alex Ross artwork. The privilege of seeing a…

What’s Hot? April 2014

Wendy I’m flailing all over the place over the new Rat Queens trade out this week. Jamie I’m loving the settlement credits I am getting from and — apparently there was something involving the prices of ebooks on the NY Times Bestseller list. So both companies credited me back some of what I’d…

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