Month: May 2015

Short & Sweet: TCAF Edition!

OTP Maki Naro Self Published 2015 Maki Naro calls OTP the first Triassic romance comic. In 1975, paleontologists found a Triassic era fossilized cast. In 2012, we finally found out was inside the cast, thanks to the European Synchronotron Radiation Facility, which peered inside the cast and discovered two animals, locked in a fatal embrace:…

Incredible Indie Tuesday: Tintin Never Gets Motion Sickness Now Proven By SCIENCE

Physicians Publish Paper on Tintin, Because Apparently This Is Science?  In an actual medical study, a group of physicians have produced their paper chronicling the intrepid Belgian adventuring boy’s various injuries and ailments 1930 – 1974, which included oodles of concussions and the occasional chloroform poisoning.  I THINK the purpose of this study was to…

Mighty Marvel Monday!

It’s Memorial Day in the States, and I was sadly not invited to Mel’s BBQ, not that I was expecting to, seeing as how Mel and I have never met, we have no mutual friends, and I only found out Mel’s BBQ was a thing on Saturday thanks to Twitter. But now that I know…

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