The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. CD Projekt Red. 2015.

WWAC’s Gaming Resolutions for 2017

If resolutions are supposed to be about bettering ourselves, the WWAC games section’s resolutions are about finishing our long-standing obligations, making our own games, and finally tackling our ever-growing to-play lists with verve and vigor. Some of our contributors shared their resolutions for the coming year, and maybe they’ll inspire you to game harder in 2017.

8 New Political Comics From PEN’s “State of Emergency”

PEN Illustrated guest editors, MariNaomi, Robert Kirby, and Meg Lemke, dropped seven new political comics today on the literary freedom organization’s blog, a new feature called State of Emergency. The comics, from cartoonists Tyler Cohen, Iasmin Omar Ata, Thi Bui, Dylan Edwards, Rachel Masilamani, Whit Taylor, Robert Kirby,  and Cristy C. Road all LGBTQ+ or WoC, respond to the recent election of US President Donald Trump,…

Review: Wren McDonald’s SP4RX

SP4RX Wren McDonald Nobrow Press December 2016 Disclaimer: This review is based on a copy provided by Nobrow Press. SP4RX is a world you’re familiar with. Punky cyborg hackers eke out a living in squats shadowed by glittering towers while robots and AI are pushing more and more of the working class into the underclass. What makes SP4RX different…

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