Category: Roundtables

twin peaks, bird,

The Twin Peaks Log: S.2 E.6

Annie It’s interesting to see Cooper upset with himself because his extra-jurisdictional adventures endangered Audrey, and of course got a bunch of people killed at One-Eyed Jack’s. He mentions that this isn’t the first time someone’s been hurt because he stepped outside his bounds. But hey, Ben Horne is happy-ish because he got his briefcase…

Sara Lautman’s comic Some Notes on Compulsive Hair Pulling,

Compulsive Reading: Some Notes On How We Read Mental Health

Megan Purdy asks the questions in this round table discussion responding to several comics tackling mental illness, and its resultant behaviours. Sara Lautman’s comic Some Notes on Compulsive Hair Pulling is beautiful and affecting. The comic is about Lautman’s struggle with trichotillomania: how she got her diagnosis; how she deals with it; how she relates,…

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