Category: Comics

digital comics museum. Out of this world adventures 001

Nine Worlds: Days 2&3

Saturday/Sunday: Life is not non-stop suffering and the meanness of white people My second day at Nine Worlds began with a very well-attended debate between several writers – including Joanne Harris, author of The Gospel of Loki – over which was better: dragons, werewolves, vampires, or warlocks. Topics covered included each species’ body odor, fashion…

Ghost in the Shell Arise: Sleepless Eye cover, 2013, Fujisaki Junichi, Ooyama Takumi

Ghost in the Shell: The Major’s Body (6) [Trigger warning: rape culture]

The Major, or Motoko Kusanagi, is the protagonist of each incarnation of the Ghost in the Shell manga-anime-merchadise franchise. If you care to google, Motoko Kusanagi is autocompletes to “a man” and “is hot,” then “in bed with a boy” and “in bed.” For a science-fiction philosophy character named for her military position, we (the audience — although I don’t…

2014. Spider-Woman #1 Variant Cover. Milo Manara. Marvel. Banner

Dear Milo Manara…

Dear Mr. Manara, You remember the Spider-Woman variant cover you drew that’s being discussed all over Twitter and the news sites, right? No? Here’s a refresher: This is the solo Spider-Woman comic that Marvel announced at the Women Of Marvel Panel at San Diego Comic Con and Marvel has been pushing female led titles lately to reflect their growing female audience. It’s…

Review: All-New X-Men #30

All-New X-Men #30  Brian Michael Bendis (W) Sara Pichelli (A) Marvel Comics   The cover doesn’t lie. X-23 and Angel are an item, spending the night together after last issue’s ending saw them riding off into the sunset on Cyclops’s stolen bike. I was initially trepidatious when Marvel revealed #30’s cover–it was only a few months…

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