Author: Angel Cruz

Barbie super hero comic maker

Sunday Art Gala: WWAC Barbie Princess Power!

In Princess Power, Barbie’s latest animated movie, she plays Princess Kara who is kissed by a magical bug and gains all kinds of super powers and becomes SUPER SPARKLE! Being Barbie, she uses her powers for all kinds of good, from rescuing stranded sailors, to stopping time, to fixing bad hair cuts. Barbie invites young girls to join…

Girl the Hell Up: Carmilla

There’s a classic novel renaissance taking over YouTube. With the breakout success of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, independent writers and actors alike have gravitated to literary adaptations, and Canadian magazine VerveGirl has seen Carmilla Karnstein leading the pack. Joseph Sheridan le Fanu’s gothic antagonist from 1871 is reimagined as a university student in 2014, whose…

stock: Weird Tales of thestock: Weird Tales of the Future 01, digital comics museum, THE TIME HAS COME Future 01, digital comics museum

Cool Movies of February!

Jupiter Ascending The Wachowskis Warner Bros. Pictures/Roadshow Entertainment (Australia & New Zealand) February 6, 2015 Ancient aliens being the precursors to our entire species, an outside challenger to a newly empty throne, royal intrigue and backstabbing politics being heirs, facing one’s destiny against all odds in a thrilling adventure throughout the galaxy. It all sounds…


Life Geek! 11/13/14-11/26/14

Life Geek! is our bi-weekly lifestyle feature where we offer readers a glimpse into our geeky lives. Desiree Rodriguez I’ve recently been working on a new comic resources site, and I’m almost finished! Decided the site needed some ‘me’ in there so I took some selfies of my favorite t-shirt, Nightwing. Got this baby at…

Still from the Maze Runner, 2014, James Dashner, Wes Ball, 20th Century Fox

Review: The Maze Runner Film

For a story that relies heavily on the unknown, The Maze Runner is built solidly on familiar and easily recognizable tropes. But while those tropes are engaging during the course of the movie, neither the characters nor the plot hold up to further scrutiny. I watched it without having read the series, and I left…

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