Hey Jude: Date Night With WWAC

WWAC Date Night Banner designed by Desiree Rodriguez

Nana Ozaki, Nana, Written by	Ai Yazawa Published by	Shueisha English publisher	 AUS Madman Entertainment NA Viz MediaIt never seemed strange to me to have crushes on fictional people. After all, I would argue that the majority of people who fall in love are only falling in love with their idea of the other person anyway.

Leaving behind my cynical views on relationships, I know that Osaki Nana and I were meant for each other. At least, I knew that when I was a pimply, mouth-breathing, greasy-haired preteen, so it still rings slightly true now.

First, imagine me drawn as a manga character. That helps with the believability of this situation. Next, I’ve suddenly learned fluent Japanese. (It’s a very long flight to Japan). Then, I win free tickets to see BLAST in concert. Our eyes meet as she sings about painfully lost love. She always read as a lesbian to me, and now, in this crowd of screaming Japanese teenage girls, I know I was right. We were meant to be, Ren was never good enough for her.

She takes me on a tour of her favorite places in Tokyo, completely changes my music tastes, and I have her try Chocolate Malt-o-Meal for the first time. We spend long minutes just laughing with each other about nothing.

Unfortunately, she realizes friendship is way more important to her than dating, and she stays with Komatsu Nana forever and ever, but I’m allowed over for Netflix-watching on the weekends. She never smokes during our dates, so I know it’s true love.

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Al Rosenberg

Al Rosenberg

Gay weirdo. Talk to them about tiny games, big books, trash, and all things illness.
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