Kickstarter of the Week: Kitchen Overlord’s Illustrated Geek Cookbook

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I’m not novice to geekery in the kitchen. A couple years ago, I baked rotating Endor and Death Star cakes for charity, so food and geekdom are a marriage made in tasty snack heaven to me. And if you’ve been enjoying WWAC guest author Annie Bulluch’s Cook your Comics recipes, this is a chance to expand your own geek repertoire.

Kitchen Overlord image from KickstarterIn her Kitchen Overlord’s Illustrated Geek Cookbook Kickstarter, second generation geek Chris-Rachael Oseland shares some of her own recipes from all areas of fandom, including sci-fi, fantasy, gaming and more. She already has several fandom-inspired cookbooks, such as Wood for Sheep, Dining with the Doctor and Steamdrunks, and she co-hosts a weekly geek talkshow. For this collection, she’s including recipes like 1-Up Pizza Rolls and Spice Stuffed Sandworms. Not only will the book include the regular ingredients and step-by-step instructions but are also smartly illustrated by artist Tom Gordon.

Backer rewards start at the $10 level for a copy of the Ebook and work their way up to $500 and include the usual suspects such as print books, art prints and posters. My pick for cuisine intrigue, back at the $100 level to have her write an original recipe from your favorite fandom.

Even if you never cook a single recipe, this book still looks fun one to have on your shelf. It’s expected to be out in time for the holiday season, so plan ahead for your geeky chef and mark one present off your list.


Brenda Noiseux

Brenda Noiseux

Community builder, artist, convention organizer, gamer, geek writer @womenoncomics, @Sidequest_BHP. Owner, Bittenby Studios
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