TW: Bryan Singer Accused of 1999 Rape and Assault

TW: Graphic descriptions of rape, assault, and child exploitation.

A lawsuit filed Wednesday alleges that X-Men director Bryan Singer, along with convicted sex offender Marc Collins-Rector, physically and sexually abused a teenage boy over a period of time in 1999, in Los Angeles and Hawaii. Firearms, drugs, and alcohol are said to have been involved. Collins-Rector is not a defendant, but is accused of “initiating the sexual abuse of Egan and arranging for Singer to assault Egan at a house in Encino, California.” 

Michael F. Egan III, the plaintiff, alleges that Singer, Collins-Rector, and others took advantage of his vulnerability as a young teen in an industry known for exploitation of children and teenagers. The suit alleges that Singer “threatened to make or break his Hollywood aspirations depending on whether he kept them happy.” In L.A., Egan and others were held against their will at Rector-Collins’ mansion during a party, and threatened with a gun. It was in Hawaii, the suit alleges, that the rape occurred. Singer is said to have provided seventeen-year-old Egan with an alcoholic drink, encouraged him to take cocaine, and then forced him to perform oral sex on him. When Egan resisted, the suit alleges, Singer held his head under water, again forced him to perform oral sex, and then sodomized him.

Singer’s lawyer called the suit, which seeks an unspecified amount in damages, “absurd and defamatory.”

The Hollywood Reporter broke the story Wednesday evening.

Megan Purdy

Megan Purdy

Publisher of all this. Megan was born in Toronto. She's still there. Philosopher, space vampire, heart of a killer.
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