The Twin Peaks Log

Red Room, Twin Peaks, Mark Frost, David Lynch, CBS, 1990

Say hello to your new excuse to drink a damn fine cup of coffee: The Log Ladies of WWAC will be running a biweekly roundtable of Twin Peaks. That’s right. Every. Single. Episode.

Some of us know the show by heart, some of us are rewatching it years after our first viewing, and some are seeing it for the first time. Everyone is sure to bring a unique perspective, because, really, can anyone watch a show as surreal as Twin Peaks and have the same experience as anyone else?

Will there be extra features for this sixty week long crusade? Of course there will! There could be the occasional owly craft, cherry pie recipe, and log cozy knitting pattern. There could even be factoids to add to your trivia knowledge.twin peaks, log lady,

Our first roundtable will be posted later this week. Watch along with us and feel free to chime in on the comments section. Say anything you like, our log does not judge.

Series NavigationThe Twin Peaks Log: Pilot >>
Romona Williams

Romona Williams

Romona Williams is an ex-librarian, current tutor, and constant writer. She can usually be found in antiquarian bookstores, curiosity shops, and carnivals after dark.
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