Author: Tara Olivero

Cast of Skam - NRK, 2017

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Skam!

Skam? What, like a scam, or a con? No, I’m talking about Skam, the Norwegian teen drama created by Julie Andem that has catapulted into stunning international success in recent months. With the first season NRK’s Skam released in 2015 and the show currently headed into its fourth season, Skam (which means shame in English)…

Rachel Bloom, Donna Lynne Champlin, Vella Lovell, Gabrielle Ruiz in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend The CW 2017

Not So-Squad Goals on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Rachel Bloom’s stunningly refreshing Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, soon entering its third season, has been a whirlwind of ups and downs, but despite the tongue-in-cheek name of the show highlighting our main character Rebecca Bunch as a boy-crazy (literally) stalker, it’s her female friendships that take the starring emotional role in the second and most recent season….

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