Storify: “Comics follow society. They don’t lead society, they reflect it.”

Reporters Alyssa Rosenberg and Linda Holmes were at the Television Critics Association press tour on Wednesday, when some depressing things were said during the panel for Superheroes: The Never-Ending Battle. They documented the bizarre experience on Twitter. Rosenberg later wrote a fantastic report on the panel for ThinkProgress.

Among other things, Todd McFarlane, creator of Spawn and make of toys, said this: “As much as we stereotype the women, we do it with the guys. The guys are all good looking, not too many ugly superheroes. They’ve all got their hair gelled back. They have got perfect pecs on them. They have no hair on their chest. I mean, they are Ryan Gosling on steroids. Right? They are all beautiful. So we actually stereotype and do it to both sexes. We just happen to show a little more skin when we get to the ladies.”

It only gets worse from there.

To help you (and us!) keep track of the story, we’ve started a Storify of the fallout on Twitter. More to come!

Megan Purdy

Megan Purdy

Publisher of all this. Megan was born in Toronto. She's still there. Philosopher, space vampire, heart of a killer.
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